Terms of Use of the Logipass Service

We congratulate you for choosing to use the Logipass Service, which provides tools for assessing general and professional skills, diagnosing personal characteristics and employment integrity of counselees, employees and job applicants (the "Applicants") and other services as these appear on the website (the "Service") from time to time.

The Terms of Use apply to you even if you have not registered for the Service, except for provisions in these Terms that apply only to registered users.

This document is a binding contract between you as a private user wishing to be tested, or as an employer or a consultation institute requesting that candidates for employment be tested through the Service ("Client"), and between us – the Service owners, Logipass (Masterweb) Ltd., Company No. 514589878 ("Logipass"), and sets out the legal terms regarding the use of the Service.

We recommend that you take the time to read the Terms of Use as they apply to your use of the Service. If, after reading the Terms, you find that they do not conform with your views, or desires, you should refrain from using the Service. We will regret it, but it is your prerogative.

You can contact us any time at: info@logipass.net with any request and inquiry regarding these Terms.

There may be changes in these Terms, due to the dynamic nature of the Service, the types of tests and the Internet in general, as well as the aspects of legislation and regulation that may apply to the activity in the Service. Therefore, it is advisable to read the Terms of Use whenever you are required to do so.

Your consent to these Terms of Use also constitutes consent to the terms that have been changed, however, to the extent required by law, we will request your consent again to the new terms. During the notice period until the entry into force of the updated terms you will be given the opportunity to give notice of your non-acceptance thereof and accordingly your account and the authorization given to you to use the Service will end.

Due to the limitations of the language, in a small number of cases the wording is in the masculine form only, but these Terms naturally apply to women as well.


The use of the Service and its limitations

Subject to the payment of the consideration (if required) and in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, you will be granted permission to use the Service during the agreement period solely for the purpose of testing and evaluating the skills of counselees, employees and job applicants, with regards to a Client, and for self-testing and self-assessment of your own skills, with regards to a private user – in accordance with the details of the Service, as well as for reviewing the information available in the Service and relevant for these purposes. The Service may not be used for any other purpose without our written, express and prior consent.

The Service contents are to be found in the Service only. Do not post details and content from the Service on any site, application or other media in any form and do not pass them on to others. In addition, these are the actions you are prohibited from doing:



If the use of the Service is done by a Client, in addition to the obligation to the other terms in this document, the following statements will also apply: the Client confirms that it has examined the Service and found it suitable for its needs.

The Client confirms that the details of the Applicants entered into the system and their referral for testing is done at their own risk and in accordance with the provisions of the law.

The Client represents that the decision whether to accept a candidate for work, to grant an employee tenure or any other decision in the context of the candidate's work is the sole responsibility of the Client. Logipass will not bear any liability due to the decision and its consequences.

Logipass' service to the Client includes a statistical and aggregate analysis of the information in order to provide Logipass' information services to its clients.

The Client confirms that if an Applicant requests to review his test results, the Client will refer the Applicant to Logipass for the purpose of exercising the right to review the test results. The Client represents that should any of its instructions to Logipass, in any matter, turn out to be illegal, the Client will bear full responsibility and will indemnify Logipass for any loss or expense incurred by it in connection therewith.



The use of the Service is available to all users. However, most options for use of the Service are only available to you if you have registered.

We may revoke your registration for the Service or not allow you to sign up for it, if at our discretion you have registered in order to commit an illegal act (for example, by impersonating another), to harm others, the Service, us – the Service owners, or anyone on our behalf, or if your activity in the Service violates a court order, a binding instruction of an authority, or these Terms, or if we believe there is another justifiable reason to do so, without us having to explain our decision.


Account access

Access to your user account in the Service is secured using a username and password. In the future, we may allow or require access to your user account through other or additional means, as we see fit. You and only you are given the right to use your account in the Service. You should avoid sharing it with others and you should keep the password secret and refrain from giving it to others.

If use of the Service is by a Client, Logipass will provide the Client with the login details for the Service via a web interface. The login details will be used by authorized client representatives to access the Service. The Client is strictly prohibited from handing over the login details to third parties. The Client must keep the login details in complete confidentiality to prevent misuse thereof. The responsibility for unauthorized use of the login details provided by Logipass to the Client and the results of such use, will be borne in full by the Client. Only authorized company representatives are given the right to use the Client's account in the Service. Refrain from sharing it with others and keep the password secret and avoid disclosing it to others.


Additional content

We may publish in the Service additional articles and content related to the Service's areas of activity and we will allow their viewing by all users of the Service, or under certain conditions, as may be determined from time to time. This content is written partly by the Service staff and partly by other writers and is offered for knowledge enrichment only. They are not professional opinions and should not be treated as such. The appropriate professional should be consulted, prior to performing any action requiring such advice.



As a rule, the Service is accessible from anywhere in the world and from any computer connected to the Internet and every reasonable effort is made to make the Service available at all times. However, we may, ourselves or through a third party on our behalf, block access to the Service from certain geographic areas, from computers that use certain Internet address (IP address), or from other sources, to protect the Service and prevent harm to it, its users and us.



As a registered user you will be able to purchase services, as may be offered from time to time. The amount to be paid will be published in the Service and will include VAT as prescribed by law. The payment can be made via credit card through the Service or by providing details to the Service representative by phone, depending on the terms and offer detailed in the Service from time to time.

The payment will be made through the payment clearing company. Execution of the credit transaction and use of the credit card data and the accompanying details will be subject to the terms of the clearing company.

If the use of the Service is made by the Client, in exchange for the permission to use the Service provided to it under these Terms, the Client will pay Logipass a license fee at the rate and under the conditions specified in the order form. Logipass represents that the license fee constitutes a final, exhaustive, fixed and complete consideration for the performance of all Logipass' obligations under these Terms, without exception, including for any license and/or service and/or action required for the purpose of said exercise.

Non-payment by the Client to Logipass, in accordance with the payment dates set between the parties, constitutes a fundamental breach of the Terms, which will award Logipass the option to terminate the contract immediately, without the need for prior notice – without prejudice to any remedies granted to Logipass under these Terms and under any law.

At any time and at its sole discretion, Logipass may change or update the payment process in the Service, including the payment plans, the means available for payment and the manner of clearing them. In addition, at any time we may offer additional services and products through the Service – whether ours or that of others, free of charge or subject to payment.




In the course of the registration for the Service and for the purpose of receiving it, you may be asked to provide basic information (name, email and phone) that serve us in contacting the Applicant. You are not required by law to provide this information, but should you elect not to furnish it, we will not be able to provide you with an appropriate response and with the services, or allow you to register on the site.

In answering the various questionnaires, additional information may be required in order to realize the purpose of the test.

If you have been referred for a test by an employer, we will share your test results with him, for the purpose of examining your acceptance into his employment.

We collect the information you provide in response to the various questionnaires to realize the purpose of the test, for the Client's administrative needs and for statistical and aggregate analysis for Logipass' needs, so as to improve our services, for the creation of additional services and for internal management and control. In addition, we collect the information for ongoing activities that involve managing the site, controlling the goings-on therein, its security and making improvements and additions to the site. We may also use the information we collect to contact you with notices and provide you with additional information regarding our activities.

We will not share any personal information with anyone other than the client ordering the test.

We are indeed authorized to share information that is public domain (such as the name of the organization using the service) on the company website and/or other advertising and distribution tools, and/or private and confidential information if required by law, for example, a court order to disclose information.

Logipass may store the information, but is not obligated to do so, in its databases located in Israel and abroad, even after you have terminated your account in the Service and even after the termination of the Service, all in accordance with the law. In any event, Logipass will delete the Applicant's details two years after the test date or before if such a request is received by the Applicant or the Client.

In the case of private Applicants who wish to use the Service for private and personal purposes, and such service involves a fee, you will be transferred to a secure clearing system (third party). The details of your means of payment will be transferred directly to the payment clearing company. We do not receive the details of your means of payment and do not store this information.

If you believe your privacy has been violated, we apologize for it. We will be happy to be at your disposal and address your inquiry as quickly as possible. You can contact us at: info@logipass.net. Apart from the Service privacy policy, every Applicant is asked to give their consent to a letter of confirmation of disclosure of information and waiver of confidentiality. The Applicants are not obligated to give their consent, but without it Logipass will not be able to carry out the tests offered as part of the Service.


Intellectual Property

The Service includes tests, user interfaces, graphic designs, illustrations, texts, icons, software code and more. All of these are protected by copyright and some even by other intellectual property rights such as trademarks and trade secrets. All rights in this content (except for content uploaded by users to the Service) are owned by us or we have obtained permission from others to use them in the Service.

Other than the permission you have been expressly granted for use of the Service, as set forth in these Terms, you may not use the Service and may not allow others to use the Service and any component contained therein in a manner that has not been expressly permitted. The signs © and ® indicate the existence of proprietary rights. Do not disrupt their display.





The Service is used to assess general and professional skills, diagnose personal characteristics and occupational integrity of counselees, employees and job applicants, in a way that allows the user to select the desired profile settings for the desired position.

The responsibility for the quality and choice of profile settings for the various positions lies with the Client alone. The provision of assistance by the Service representatives and/or the default settings of the profile do not constitute any responsibility being assumed by Logipass. These settings are extremely important and have a direct impact on the test results as these will be presented in the various reports.

Although the tests offered as part of the Service are the result of in-depth research and the diligence of professionals, some may be in the process of a pilot run and of development and in any case these tests cannot provide absolute certainty and accuracy and there may be discrepancies between test results and the Applicant's actual traits and personality. In any event, the Service management recommends retesting the candidates (free of charge) in order to increase the chances of the findings being accurate and reliable.

Logipass will not be liable for the accuracy and reliability of the information and data in the services as well as any damage of any kind, including, decision regarding employment, lack of response, dismissal, promotion, non-compliance, inconvenience, loss, mental distress caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use of the Service.

Your use of the Service and your exposure to information in the Service is at your own risk. We do not assume any responsibility for the activity in the Service, the information and the services offered through it, and we do not guarantee that the content contained therein is comprehensive, correct, up-to-date and legal. In the event of doubt and in any case required, it is advisable to consult appropriate professionals before making a decision based on information published in the Service.

Sometimes there may be malfunctions in the Service activity, due to problems in the activity of the Service's communication providers, the Service's software systems, changes and maintenance that we perform in the Service and more. Such malfunctions cause inconvenience and difficulty in using the Service and we will do our best to overcome them as quickly as possible. However, we are not responsible for any inconvenience or damage that may be caused as a result.

Logipass will not be liable for any indirect damages. Logipass' liability for direct damages is limited to the amount actually paid by the Client in the twelve (12) months preceding the alleged violation. Logipass will not be liable for any damages and expenses incurred as a result of:

  1. An act or omission on the part of the Client or anyone on its behalf;
  2. The Client's instructions;
  3. An intentional or malicious act of a third party;
  4. The result of force majeure, including but not limited to, acts of war, terrorism, deliberate attacks, governmental, administrative or actions of a competent authority and natural disasters.


Violation and indemnification

If you breach these Terms, you undertake to indemnify and compensate the Service owner, its employees, managers and anyone acting on its behalf, immediately upon their demand, for any expense (including legal expenses and attorneys' fees), payment loss, loss of profit or any damage of any kind incurred by them.



From time to time, we may make amendments to the Service, including the scope of the Services provided through it, its appearance and nature. If you have purchased services or products in the Service in accordance with any of the plans offered on it, you will be allowed to give notice on the cancellation of your account following these changes and accordingly we will refund you the proportionate share of the payment not used by you.

We may also decide on a complete cessation of activities either temporarily or indefinitely. In such an eventuality as well, you will be able to contact us with a request for a proportionate refund of the payment you made for the services and which were not used by you.



Use of the Service, your order and this agreement are subject to Israeli law only.


Exhaustive conditions

These Terms (together with the terms of payment, when pertaining to a Client) exhaust all that is agreed between you and the Service management in connection with the use of the Service.


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