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Free Aptitude test

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Example Skills (Traits) Report of
Free Aptitude test
General average
A general mathematical average of all tests tested, it is important to understand that there are tests of different importance and therefore the average does not necessarily reflect the level of the examiner in the position.
The level of accuracy acquired, in relation to the number of questions answered, and in relation to the general population. The higher the level of accuracy, the more precisely the testee works at tasks that require complex thinking.
Performance speed
The number of questions answered, within a limited time, compared to the general population. The higher the performance speed, the more quickly testee works at tasks demanding complex thinking.
Example Skills (Exams) Report of
Free Aptitude test
(9 sections distribution)
9 very high (4%)
9) Indicator 96-100, ~ 4% higher points, ~ 96% achieved a lower score (4% achieved exactly this point) - ~ about 4% of candidates have this point, which means that they are special persons.
8 high (10%)
8) Indicator 89-96, ~ 4% got a higher score, ~ 89% got a lower score (7% achieved this exact score) - ~ About 10% of candidates have this score (or higher), that is, some people are in this rating and above.
7 above average (23%)
7) Scoring 77-89, ~ 11% got a higher score, ~ 77% got a lower score (12% achieved this exact score) - ~ About 1/4 of candidates have this score (or higher), which means a small fraction of candidates.
6 high average (40%)
6) Indicator 60-77, ~ 23% got a higher score, ~ 60% got a lower score (17% achieved this exact score) - ~ about 40% of candidates have this score (or higher), which means the level is slightly above average.
5 average (50%)
5) Indicator 40-60%, ~ 40% got a higher score, ~ 40% got a lower score (20% got this exact score). ~ This is an average score, half of the candidates get a higher score and half a lower score.
4 low average (60%)
4) Indicator 23-40%, ~ 60% got a higher score, ~ 23% got a lower score (17% achieved this exact result). - ~ About 60% of candidates have achieved a higher level, which means that the level is slightly below average.
3 below average (75%)
3) Indicator 11-23%, ~ 77% achieved a higher score, ~ 11% achieved a lower score (12% achieved exactly this point) - ~ about 3/4 of candidates achieved higher scores than this level.
2 low (90%)
2) Indicator 4–11%, ~ 89% achieved a higher score, ~ 4% achieved a lower score (7% achieved exactly this point) - ~ about 90% of candidates achieved a higher level than this level.
1 very low (96%)
1) Indicator 0-4%, ~ 4% below points, ~ 96% achieved a higher score (4% achieved exactly this point) - ~ Almost all candidates received higher scores than this level.

The [9] Scale: Represents the percentile of population that will reach or surpass this grade.
This implies the majority of the population will score 4, 5 or 6 and only a fraction will score 9 or 1.

(7 sections distribution)
7 Very high (5%)
Might 96-100%, top 5% of the population, 95% have a lower score (5% have just reached this mark) About 5% of the population is in this grade, which means they are individuals of virtue.
6 High (15%)
Masons 86-95%, 5% scored higher, 85% scored lower (10% scored exactly) - about 15% of the population is (or higher), which means a small proportion of the population.
5 Average - High (35%)
Masons 66-85%, 15% have a higher score, 60% have a lower score (20% have just reached this score), and about 35% of the population is (or higher), which means the level is slightly above average.
4 Average (50%)
Masons 36-65%, 35% have a higher score, 35% have a lower score (30% have just scored) This is the average grade, half the people score higher and half lower score.
3 Average - Low (65%)
Masons 16-35%, 65% scored higher, 15% scored lower (20% scored exactly), and 65% of the population achieved higher than this level, which means the level is slightly below average.
2 Low (80%)
Masons 6-15%, 85% scored higher, 5% scored lower (10% scored exactly), and 85% of the population achieved higher levels than this.
1 Very low (95%)
Masters 0-5%, 5% lower grades, 95% scored higher (5% scored exactly), almost all examinees achieved higher levels than this.

The [7] Scale: Represents the percentile of population that will reach or surpass this grade.
This implies the majority of the population will score 3, 4 or 5 and only a fraction will score 7 or 1.

The Personality Report is based on research conducted by Logipass that observed how a person ranks himself, his views and the way others rate him.

The scores range from "very high" to "very low" and are statistically relative, i.e. "very high" is relatively high in comparison to the population and in other words reflects the fact that the majority of people rank lower in a specific metric.

Tests and features

Candidates being tested for this position may be required to take the following tests:

Hebrew language proficiency
Hebrew language proficiency
Numerical Reasoning 8
Data analysis Analysis ability

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