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Aptitude Tests Online

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Personality Tests

Our personality tests at logipass are based on the "Big 5" model, an empirical-based theory in psychology that evaluates five dimensions of personality.

The Big Five Personality Model, Costa and McCrea, 1992

Personality tests may vary depending on the job. There are three distinct types of personality tests:

Projective tests

A psychological test in which a subject's responses to ambiguous or unstructured standard stimuli, such as a series of cartoons, abstract patterns, or incomplete sentences, are analyzed in order to determine underlying personality traits, feelings, or attitudes. Due to the popularity and widespread use of them, candidates can prepare in advance and reflect a personality that fits the job, but not always in line with their true personality. For that reason, these tests are sometimes not credible and reliable enough.

Self-report tests

This type of tests relies on the basic assumption that the person him/herself is one's most credible source for his/her personality. Such tests are often use various methodologies, such as factor analysis or empirical indexing, and might be implemented differently: multiple-choice, Likert Scale, and so forth. The most notable advantage of this approach over the Projective tests is its high credibility and validity.

Users can choose between few types of personality tests, for example:
Full Personality Test Dominant Traits

Behavioral assessment tests

These tests examines a person's behavioral patterns in real-time, facing stressful situations, simulations, etc., which in turn are evaluated and allow further analysis of one's personality traits. This behavioral testing method is antithetical to the Self-report tests and relies on the belief that external observation provides more information and able to predict a person's behavior in future situations.

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