Social worker
A social worker is a professional working in the field of social welfare, providing support and assistance to individuals or families in distress, aiming to improve their quality of life and help them cope with personal, social, or financial challenges. The role of a social worker includes offering support and counseling to clients in situations of personal, family, or financial crisis, assisting in finding resources and support through public services such as housing, medical care, or financial aid, working with clients individually or in groups to develop coping skills for their problems, assessing situations of risk and distress, and recommending actions to improve the situation or prevent further harm, as well as supporting victims of violence and coordinating treatment with other support organizations. Social workers may work in various fields, including welfare, healthcare, education, youth care, geriatrics, and more.

Social worker
Social worker

Social worker
Social worker

The [9] Scale: Represents the percentile of population that will reach or surpass this grade.
This implies the majority of the population will score 4, 5 or 6 and only a fraction will score 9 or 1.

The [7] Scale: Represents the percentile of population that will reach or surpass this grade.
This implies the majority of the population will score 3, 4 or 5 and only a fraction will score 7 or 1.
The Personality Report is based on research conducted by Logipass that observed how a person ranks himself, his views and the way others rate him.
The scores range from "very high" to "very low" and are statistically relative, i.e. "very high" is relatively high in comparison to the population and in other words reflects the fact that the majority of people rank lower in a specific metric.
Tests and features
Candidates being tested for this position may be required to take the following tests: