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LogiPass skills exam

The skills test is part of the psychotechnical test, the following are the leading psychotechnical institutes in Israel:
• Adam Milo Institute
• Pilat Institute
• Kinan Shafi
• Top C
• Kranei Institute
• Meitav Institute
Today it is possible to test the skills and/or personality of job candidates via the Internet and not at a psychotechnical institute, the cost of an online psychotechnical test is much lower than the cost of a full test at a screening institute, and it serves as an efficient, quick and economical screening tool for the employer.
If desired, those who successfully passed the online test and the other screening procedures customary in the organization can be sent for the full test at the end of the process.
Today, to conduct an online psychotechnical test at the candidate's home, the Logipass system – computerized psychotechnical diagnosis, allows testing from home using a unique patent, (Patent Pending) which provides a quality and original answer regarding the required doubt whether the examinee did the test himself, on the company's website you can find a lot of information including a free pilot version for experience.
A significant part of the psychotechnical test is the skills test, the following are the common tests in the field:
Verbal analogies   Verbal analogies are considered a significant part of human intelligence, inductive reasoning (ability to infer from a particular case to a general rule), and everyday logic, as well as learning ability, environmental understanding and the ability to create new ideas.
•  Figural flexibility The Hidden Figure test examines the ability to separate visual stimuli in order to locate a hidden target shape.  
•  Technical comprehension Understanding of basic mechanical-technical principles, simple machines, tools, and basic knowledge in electricity.
•  Verbal instructions comprehension The verbal instructions comprehension test is designed to examine an individual's ability to understand written verbal instructions and apply them appropriately. The test examines the ability to understand complex instructions, i.e., instructions composed of several stages of execution, where there may be a connection between the different stages (such as order of operations, dependencies between operations, condition for the existence of a certain operation) or the various instructions are disconnected from each other and stand independently.
•  Memory (everyday memory) is the ability to remember information we encounter routinely and integrate it with prior information we have, in order to use it at a later time, to achieve our goals and complete our tasks. The remembered material is meaningful and the memory created depends on the context in which the new information was learned.
•  Accuracy and speed test This test examines a person's ability to work accurately and quickly in detecting differences between simple stimuli. Such a skill is important in various administrative and clerical jobs, but accurate work is also required in tasks such as programming, actuarial science, information systems management, and more.
•  Number series The number series test examines the ability for inductive and deductive reasoning. Reasoning ability has been considered a significant component of human intelligence for many decades. In order to separate, as much as possible, between the ability to perform complex arithmetic operations and the ability for numerical reasoning, only four arithmetic operations are used, so that the difficulty of the item stems from the difficulty to infer the rule.
•  Figural series Belongs to the field of figural aptitude tests. The goal of the test is to identify cognitive potential (intelligence) in a culture-independent manner. General intelligence (g) is related to the ability to abstract and infer relationships and connections. Accordingly, the figural series test contains geometric shapes (most of them universal), where each item requires inferring rules and relationships between shapes.  
•  Mental rotations The ability to perform mental rotation is part of spatial abilities and stands on its own as a separate factor from the ability to perceive shapes. The test requires the examinee to imagine rotations of the presented shape, and therefore is called "mental (by analogy: imagination) rotations". The entire process is performed in thought, and there is no use of physical elements (actual shapes) to perform the task.
•  English language proficiency English is a vital language in the working world in many fields. In fact, there are few fields where understanding the English language is not required at all. However, English comprehension is required at different levels for different jobs. Some will need to know basic words; some will be required to have reading abilities of basic materials; some will be required to have a high understanding of technical materials; and others will be required to have excellent expression abilities.
•  Arithmetic exercises Arithmetic exercises based on the four basic arithmetic operations, in which the examinee is required to give an exact or approximate answer to the correct answer to the presented exercise.
•  Data reading The test examines the ability to read data presented graphically or in a table, and draw conclusions from them.
Skills Test

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