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Skills tests examples

Verbal Analogies

In this test you will be presented with a bold pair of words (the "question"). You'll need to find the connection between these words. Next, you'll need to choose the pair that maintains the most similar connection to the bold pair of words.

Note: The order of the words in a couple is important.
This test includes 21 questions, you have 7 minutes.

The "Verbal Analogies" test tests the ability to identify the existing relationship between the two words appearing in the example and finding another pair of words where this relationship exists. This skill is related to the verbal ability and is a significant part of human intelligence, inductive reasoning (the ability to deduce from a particular case to the general), day-to-day reasoning, the ability to learn and more.

House: Roof
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is treetop. The connection between house and roof is that "roof is the top part of a house". One needs to understand what is the top part of the tree. That is the treetop. Meaning: "roof is the top part of a house" just as "treetop is the top part of a tree".
Eye: Optometrist
Children: Pediatrician
Ear: Radiologist
Birth: Gynecologist
Teeth: Dental Hygienist
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is dental hygienist. An Optometrist is a professional person working on the organ "eye", just as a dental hygienist is a professional person working on the organ "teeth". All the other pairs do not maintain this relation.
Shallow: Deep
Black: White
Low: High
Fat: Skinny
True: False
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is "low: high". The connection between shallow and deep is one of power: "deep is more than shallow". They may seem like opposites (like true and false or black and white), but these qualities are not opposites, but are on a sequence of the same quality: depth. Therefore, answer 1 and 4 are incorrect. Like the highlighted pair, low and high are on a sequence of the same quality: height, and fat and skinny are also on a sequence of the same quality: weight.
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Verbal Reasoning

In this test you’ll be presented with complex written instructions. You’ll need to follow the instructions and choose the correct answer.

The "Verbal Reasoning" test is designed to test the individual's ability to understand verbal instructions given in writing, and to apply them appropriately. This skill is important and required especially in fields where many complicated instructions are given and it is necessary to understand and carry them out accurately.

A year has four seasons: summer, fall, winter, spring. Most seasons have 6 letters in their name. If this statement is true, choose ‘correct’, and if it’s false choose the number of seasons that have 6 letters in their name.
not correct
correct answer
wrong answer
In order to answer the question correctly, you need to understand what is required. “If … , choose…, and if … choose…”. “If this statement is true”, meaning if most seasons have 6 letters in their name, choose ‘correct’. Summer, winter and spring have 6 letters, so the statement is true, then ‘correct’ is the right answer. Therefore, there’s no need to read the last part of the question.
Organize the words on the list by length (from shortest to longest word). Which could be the third word? apple, strawberry, pear, banana, broccoli
correct answer
wrong answer
The shortest word is "pear", containing 4 letters. Second is "apple" with 5 letters. The third word, with 6 letters, is "banana".
This sentence consists of several words. How many words are there in the first sentence in this question?
correct answer
wrong answer
In order to answer the question correctly, you need to understand what is required. You need to count how many words are in the first sentence of the question: this (1) sentence (2) consists (3) of (4) several (5), words (6). So, the correct answer is 6.
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Number Sequences

In this test, you will see a sequence of numbers. The numbers are connected. You need to understand the rule that connects the numbers and decide which number comes next (replacing the question mark). This test includes 25 questions.
You will have 9 minutes to answer.

The "Number Sequences" test examines the ability to understand rules within a numerical series, using inductive and deductive reasoning. This skill has been considered a significant component of human intelligence for many decades.

10 Arrow Left Icon of an arrow pointing left 20 Arrow Left Icon of an arrow pointing left 30 Arrow Left Icon of an arrow pointing left 40 Arrow Left Icon of an arrow pointing left ?
correct answer
wrong answer
One can see that each number is bigger than the previous one by 10. 20 is 10 plus 10, 30 is 20 plus 10 etc. Therefore, the next number in the series should be 50, which is 40 plus 10.
10 Arrow Left Icon of an arrow pointing left 20 Arrow Left Icon of an arrow pointing left 40 Arrow Left Icon of an arrow pointing left 70 Arrow Left Icon of an arrow pointing left 110 Arrow Left Icon of an arrow pointing left ?
correct answer
wrong answer
This series is similar to the previous one, but the rule operating here is a little different. One needs to add 10 to the first number (10), in order to reach the next number - 20. One needs to add 20 to that number in order to reach the next number - 40. 30 was added to that number (40) in order to reach 70, and 40 was added to this last number (70) in order to reach the number 110. Looking at the additions (+10, +20, +30, +40), one can see that 50 needs to be added to 110, in order to reach the next number: 110+50=160.
2 Arrow Left Icon of an arrow pointing left 4 Arrow Left Icon of an arrow pointing left 12 Arrow Left Icon of an arrow pointing left 48 Arrow Left Icon of an arrow pointing left ?
correct answer
wrong answer
4 is 2x2 or 2+2. It seems the rule can be either addition or multiplication. Moving from 4 to 12 can be done by multiplying 4 by 3 (or by adding 8). Moving from 12 to 48 can done by multiplying 12 by 4 (or by adding 36). It seems likely that the series' rule is multiplication. Looking at the transitions from one number to the next (x2,x3,x4), it seems likely that the next transition will be done by multiplying 48 by 5. The calculation is a little complex, but being that the answers are far apart, you can estimate that the result will be a little smaller than 50x5=250.
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Diagrammatic Reasoning

In this test, you will see a sequence of shapes inside a snail. You need to understand the rule that connects the shapes, and decide which shape comes next (replacing the question mark).
This test includes 25 questions, and you have 13 minutes to answer.

The "Diagrammatic Reasoning" test examines the ability to conclude about the rules that exists between the shapes that the examinee sees. This skill is related to the cognitive potential (general intelligence - G) that a person has, and it can also be tested in a culture-independent manner.

correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is the hexagon. If you look at the shapes from the center of the snail's shell (the one line) to the outer shell (towards the question mark), you can see that each shape has an additional line compared to the previous one. The first shape has one line, the second has 2 lines, and so on. Therefore, you need to find a shape with six lines. The correct answer is marked and highlighted by a green shadow.
correct answer
wrong answer
Looking at the bottom series of shapes, one can see that each shape is rotated by 90° (a quarter of a circle) when compared to the previous one. The first shape is presented with its "head" up, the second with its "head" to the right, and the third should be presented with its "head" to the bottom. The correct answer is marked and highlighted by a green shadow.
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is the large black star. Moving from left to right, you can see that the shapes are becoming larger in size, as well as darker in shade. Therefore, in order to find the correct answer, you need to look for a star shape that is larger and also darker than the middle gray star.
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Shape Recognition

In this test, you will be presented with a drawing and four different shapes below it.
One of the four shapes will appear in the drawing exactly as you see it.
You need to select the correct shape.

The "Shape Recognition" test tests the ability to separate visual stimuli, in order to locate a hidden target shape. This skill is required in jobs that require complex formal thinking, understanding and spatial planning.

correct answer
wrong answer
You need to find one of the four figures in the rectangle.
1 is the correct answer.
correct answer
wrong answer
You need to find one of the four figures in the rectangle.
2 is the correct answer.
correct answer
wrong answer
You need to find one of the four figures in the rectangle.
3 is the correct answer.
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Logic is one of the most important skills measured in psychometric tests, and it is also a critical skill for success in the real world. Logic tests assess our ability to think rationally, analyze information, solve complex problems, and draw logical conclusions. These skills are required in many fields, from business decision-making and project management to scientific research and technological development.

To succeed in logic tests and develop sharper logical thinking, practice is essential. On the LogiPass website, you will find a wide range of high-quality practice tests and exercises that simulate the types of puzzles and challenges you will encounter in real tests. The questions include analogies, pattern sequences, verbal problems, quantitative problems, and more. This will allow you to discover diverse problem-solving strategies and real-world applications.

The website allows you to practice only what you want, and it will show you your strengths and weaknesses, so you can focus your training on the areas where you need the most improvement. Whether you struggle with certain types of logical puzzles or aspire to deepen your expertise in a specific domain.

Investing in improving your logical skills through the comprehensive training offered by LogiPass is a wise decision, not only for success in psychometric tests but also for success in your career and life in general. Sharp logical thinking is a valuable asset in any field and profession, and it provides a significant advantage in a competitive world. So don't miss the opportunity to sharpen your logic and reach new levels of excellence. Join LogiPass today and embark on your journey to full mastery of logical thinking and success in every challenge you encounter.

Inductive Reasoning

In this test, you will be presented with a shape and four similar shapes below it.
One of the shapes below will be an inverted reflection of the original shape (as one would see when presenting the shape in front of a mirror).
You need to select the correct reflected shape.

The "Inductive Reasoning" test examines the examinee's ability to visualize the presented shape after mentally rotating it. This skill of mental rotation is part of the spatial abilities, but is a separate factor from the ability to perceive shapes, since the rotation is carried out 'in the head', therefore it can also testify to working memory abilities, and even to a potential for abstract thinking.

correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is 4, as it is a reflection of the flower presented in the top part of the screen. In its original form, the flower is on the top part of the stem, on its right. Answer number 4 presents that flower, but with the flower on the left side of the stem. One needs to imagine placing a mirror on the right side of the flower (or on its left, it does not matter), and the reflection in the mirror will be the flower seen in answer no. 4. Answer 1 is an exact copy of the original flower. Answer 2 is the original flower, rotated 90° to the right, and in answer no. 3 the flower was rotated 45° to the right.
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is 1, as it is an exact reflection of the original shape, presented in the top part of the screen. Answer number 2 is incorrect, as it is the original shape, rotated 180°. Answer number 3 is incorrect, but it is confusing. The "k" at the center of the shape is a reflection of the original shape, rotated by 180°. However – the yellow mark is not a reflection, and did not rotate with the "k". Answer no. 4 displays this same pattern, but the "k" was not reflected or rotated, while the yellow mark was.
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is 1. Imagine placing a mirror on the right side of the shape (or on its left, it does not matter), and rotate it 180°. The reflection in the mirror will be the shape seen in answer no. 4. Answer no. 2 is incorrect, but it is confusing, as the black object is exactly the same as the original shape, but the yellow arrow is pointing in a different direction. Answer no. 3 is incorrect, as it is the original shape, rotated 180°. Answer no. 4 displays the same 180° rotation, but the arrow is pointing to the narrow part of the shape (bottom of the original shape), while in the original shape it points to the top of the figure.
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Mental Arithmetics

In this test you will be presented with arithmetic exercises. For some of the exercises you'll be asked to select the accurate answer, Using the four basic arithmetic operations: Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*) and division (: or /).
In other exercises you'll be asked to estimate the result and not to calculate it accurately.
Oral only! Calculator or writing tools prohibited.

The "Mental Arithmetics" test examines the examinee's ability to perform calculations based on the four basic arithmetic operations, while giving an exact answer or close to the correct answer. This skill is directly related to the numerical ability, but also to the didactic ability which reflects, among other things, the learning potential in the future.

correct answer
wrong answer
The denominator remains unchanged, as it is identical (14). We subtract the nominators one from the other (7 minus 2), and receive 5 in the nominator. 5/14 is a fraction close to 5/15, which is 1/3. Therefore, the answer is 1/3.
Exercise :
correct answer
wrong answer
One can solve the exercise using long addition. Add the unity numerals, which are written one above the other: 4+3=7
Next, add the decimal numerals, which are written one above the other: 1+2=3
A second way to solve the exercise is to dismantle the smaller number (14) into 10 and whatever is left (4). Next, add 23+10=33. Finally, add 4 to 33, and the result is 37.
What is the approximate result of 7,388+844
correct answer
wrong answer
By long addition, explained in the first example, one can reach the answer 8232. Out of all the options presented, 8,231 are the closes to the right answer.
How much is 15% out of 600?
correct answer
wrong answer
We calculate how much 10% out of 600 are. For that we solve the next exercise:
Because we have a multiplication operation, we can lose the zeros in the nominator (top part of the fraction) with the zeros in the denominator (bottom part of the fraction). We are left with 10*6=60. Meaning- 10% out of 600 are 60. Now we need to find out how much are the additional 5%, in order to reach 15%. For that, we can divide the 10% we have already calculated in 2, so we will have 5%: 60/2=30. Now we can add 10%+5%, which are 60+30=90.
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Numerical Reasoning

This test will show you data in a table or chart.
For each question, you must examine the data presented and select the appropriate answer.

The "Numerical Reasoning" test examines the ability to read data presented graphically or tabularly, and draw conclusions from them. This skill shows analysis, understanding and inference abilities, and is also linked to general intelligence.

Compared between boys and girls, aged two years to childbirth (y axis = centimeters, x axis = age in months):
Girls growth rate is similar to that of boys in height, but is significantly lower in head circumference
Girls growth rate similar to that of boys in both dimensions (height and head circumference)
Girls growth rate is similar to that of boys in height, but is significantly higher in head circumference
The growth rate of girls is lower than that of boys in both dimensions (height and head circumference)
correct answer
wrong answer
Should be the rate (percent) change between the age of birth to age two. For girls do without increased height of 49 cm height of 86, and the change is analogous with the boys, from 50 to 87. Percent (86 from 49 and 87 from 50) are very similar. Similarly, change in head circumference of girls is from -34.8 to -47.4 from -35.8 and sons to 48.7. again, the numbers are close, and the percent are similar.
According to the "Height" curves (y axis = centimeters, x axis = age in months):
Girls are consistently taller than boys
Boys are consistently shorter than girls
Boys are consistently taller than girls
At some age groups boys are taller than girls, and at some age groups girls are taller than boys
correct answer
wrong answer
You can see that the curve height of the boys (which starts and ends with the number 50 and number 87 painted striped blue line) is always above the curve height of the girls (which starts and ends in the number 49 and number 86 painted red dotted line).
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Sequence Matching

In this test you will be presented with two sequences of symbols and letters.
You need to determine whether the two sequences are identical or different from one another.

The "Sequence Matching" test tests a person's ability to work accurately and quickly in detecting differences between simple stimuli. This type of skill is important in various types of administrative and clerical work, however, accurate work is also required in tasks such as programming, actuary, information systems management, and more.

alksd,54e' alksd,54e'
correct answer
wrong answer
The two pieces of text are identical.
4!terty5ro 4!kerty5ro
correct answer
wrong answer
There is a difference between the two pieces of text.
2d45i;-/!& 2d45i;-/!&
correct answer
wrong answer
The two pieces of text are identical.
$%gh24t&^, $&gh24t&^,
correct answer
wrong answer
There is a difference between the two pieces of text.
kj1$hsf#$o kj1$hsf#$o
correct answer
wrong answer
The two pieces of text are identical.
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Mechanical Reasoning

In this test, you'll be shown images describing a variety of situations. For each question, you must select the most logical option from the data presented below.

The "Mechanical Reasoning" test checks the understanding of basic mechanical-technical principles, simple machines, tools and basic knowledge of electricity. This skill is related to technical thinking and the ability to solve practical problems in the technical field.

In which of the following situations will both light bulbs be lit?
It is not possible to determine.
correct answer
wrong answer
the correct answer is 3, where we see two switches closed. The electric circle leading to each light bulb is closed, and when the circle is closed, electricity can go through the circle and reach the light bulb. In answers 1 and 2 only one circle is closed, so only one light bulb gets electricity.
Which rope will rip first?
It is not possible to determine.
correct answer
wrong answer
The rope that will rip first is the diagonal rope, as described in picture number 1. The reason is that both a vertical force and a horizontal force work on the diagonal rope, whereas the other ropes are affected by only one force.
A test tube is filled with water. The cork is released, in which direction will the test tube move?
none of the above
It is not possible to determine
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is 1, where the cork flies in the opposite direction than the tube. When the tube is heated, the water inside the tube is also heated, and the pressure inside the tube rises. When the pressure reaches a high enough level, it will push the cork out. As a result of the pressure - the cork will fly in one direction and the tube in the other.
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Shapes Matching

This test consists of two groups of shapes.
The same shapes appear in both groups, and you need to match the pairs.
If you are using a laptop, we recommend you use the mouse.

The "Shapes Matching" test tests the ability to work quickly and accurately in space, the ability to locate specific signs and the ability to work with a mouse. These skills are required in jobs that require visual precision, such as reading blueprints, locating information on busy screens and general executive agility.

English Knowledge and Comprehension

In this test, a text will be followed by five questions.
You need to select the correct answer, according to the text.
The questions will appear alongside the text, so you don't have to remember it.
The time that isn't used in this section will automatically pass to the questions section.

The "English Knowledge and Comprehension" test examines the ability to complete sentences in English, in addition to reading and understanding a text. This skill is essential in many fields, and can even testify to the ability to learn in general.

A learning disability is:
A 1970 definition.
A surprising underachievement.
Seven areas.
Working memory problems.
correct answer
wrong answer
Here is some text and some questions related to it. You must answer the questions, according to written text.
The difference between RD and MD is:
RD is a learning disability, but MD is not.
It is easy to diagnose RD, but not MD.
We know more about RD.
We know more about MD.
correct answer
wrong answer
Here is some text and some questions related to it. You must answer the questions, according to written text.
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English Knowledge and Comprehension

This test will show sentences in which a word is missing. Choose from the answers below the word that best completes the sentence.

The "English Knowledge and Comprehension" test examines the ability to complete sentences in English, in addition to reading and understanding a text. This skill is essential in many fields, and can even testify to the ability to learn in general.

The doctor was late because of an ______ at the hospital
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is "emergency". Other words "dream", "checkerboard" and "intelligent" are not appropriate to complete the sentence.
You may be surprised to ______ from me
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is "hear". Other words "see", "talk" and "listen"are not appropriate to complete the sentence.
I have been __________ in line for hours
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is "waiting". Other words "going", "holding" and "searching" are not appropriate to complete the sentence.
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Memory Test - Names

In this test you will be presented with a list of names.You must memorize the names displayed orally only!!!

You'll have 2 minutes to memorize.

We recommend that you use all the time for memorizing the list, You won't be able to return to the list afterwards.

In the next step, you'll be asked to match the first names to the surnames, as they were in the original list.
for example, The list of names is:

Violet & Moshe Smith
Olivia & Henry Williams
David & Sharon Johnson

The "Memory - Names" test examines the ability to remember several new names in their full form, and then correctly match the last name to the first name. Long-term memory is considered one of the components of human intelligence, because this skill is one of the tools we have in order to achieve goals.

correct answer
wrong answer
One of the names you memorized was "Violet Smith". Therefore, the correct answer is "Violet".
correct answer
wrong answer
One of the names you memorized was "Henry Williams". Therefore, the correct answer is "Henry".
correct answer
wrong answer
One of the names you memorized was "David Johnson". Therefore, the correct answer is "David".
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Typing Speed

The source text appears at the top of the screen.

At the bottom of the screen you must type the source text Accurately, So that it is exactly the same as the original text, including spaces and so on.

Writing must be continuous, without a line break (no enter).

The "Typing Speed" test examines the ability to type text quickly while maintaining a high level of accuracy. This skill can show, among other things, attention, accuracy and speed of performing tasks, and is particularly relevant for administrative and clerical jobs of various types.

Intelligence is one of the most studied variables in the world of psychology, being perceived as the primary adaptive tool of the individual to the demands of his environment, but many questions remain unanswered.
Words: 0 Progress: 0.00%
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Computer applications proficiency

The following questionnaire consists of 18 questions. For each question, you must choose the best possible answer (you can select only one answer per question).
The test must be taken independently, without using any additional sources or aid.
It is essential to answer the questions as quickly as possible.
You have 20 seconds to answer each question.

The "Computer Applications Proficiency" test examines knowledge concerning various computer applications and their use, with an emphasis on Office and E-mail applications. This knowledge indicates the degree of technological literacy, which reflects the examinee's potential in terms of speed and efficiency of work with computerized systems.

How can you perform a search in a document or a website using only the keyboard?
Pressing ctrl + L
Pressing alt + L
Pressing ctrl + F
Pressing alt + F
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is: Pressing ctrl + F
Which of the following file types represents a picture file?
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is: jpg
Which of the following icons allows you to make a text bold?
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is: B
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Hebrew language proficiency

This test will show sentences in which a word is missing. Choose from the answers below the word that best completes the sentence.

The "Hebrew language proficiency" test examines the ability to complete simple sentences in Hebrew. This ability indicates the general language proficiency and the ability to communicate at a basic level in Hebrew.

אני נבחן היום למקום עבודה חדש, מקווה שהם יקבלו ____ לעבודה.
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is: אוֹתִי
מיכל מעצבת את המשרד החדש שלה, והיא ביקשה ממני לעזור לה לתלות ____ על הקיר.
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is: תְּמוּנָה
היום יום שני, אז מחר יהיה יום ____.
correct answer
wrong answer
The correct answer is: שְׁלִישִׁי
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