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The insane cost of choosing the wrong profession or studies

Choosing a profession or field of study is one of the most important decisions a person makes in their life.
The choice affects one's career, quality of life, income level, and even personal satisfaction. However, studies show that many of us make these decisions without proper consideration, lacking sufficient tools or appropriate guidance.
Most adults would testify that they work or even studied a profession quite randomly, influenced by someone close to them, an opportunity that came along, immediate financial need, and external considerations such as family or social environment expectations that led them to where they are today.
The result is often a heavy price, reflected in the financial, emotional, and social aspects.
In this article, we will review the implications of wrong choices, their causes, and ways to reduce the risk through professional guidance.

The Implications of Wrong Choices

Aspect Implications Examples
Financial Cost Financial loss due to abandoning studies, unemployment in the field, and career changes Naama who abandoned engineering studies and switched to graphic design
Impact on Motivation and Satisfaction Feelings of frustration, burnout, and depression David who worked in sales and sought change mid-life
Loss of Valuable Time Wasting years on unsuitable studies or work People who had to return to study a new field later in life
Social Impact Decline in self-confidence, problems in personal relationships Effects on family and social relationships

Parameter Average Cost
University Academic Year 10,000-30,000 NIS
Lost Income During Study Years About 80,000-120,000 NIS
Mid-career Professional Change Up to 150,000 NIS (including professional retraining and income loss)

Factors Leading to Wrong Choices

  1. Social and Family Pressure

    Often, people choose a profession or studies to please others: parents, friends, or society as a whole. These decisions do not reflect the individual's inner desires.

  2. Lack of Information

    Many are unaware of their available options or don't deeply understand the requirements, risks, and benefits of different professions. This missing information leads to decisions based on feelings rather than facts.

  3. Lack of Professional Guidance

    Not seeking professional help or appropriate career guidance services causes people to rely on guesswork or limited personal experience.

  4. Idealization of Professions

    People sometimes tend to choose prestigious or "respected" professions without understanding if they personally and professionally suit them.

  5. General and Partial Questionnaires

    The internet is full of various career guidance questionnaires, professional preference surveys, "find your future" tests, and so on. It's important to thoroughly check who is behind the questionnaire and ensure it's a comprehensive process that includes skills and personality assessment, not just what we prefer.

The Importance of Professional Guidance

Advantage Description
Matching Profession to Personality and Skills Questionnaires and tests help identify personal compatibility
Financial Savings Reducing education costs and career changes
Information-based Decision Making Knowledge about the job market and in-demand professions
Preventing Missed Opportunities Fulfilling personal potential for satisfaction


Choosing an unsuitable field of study or profession can exact a heavy toll in all areas of life. However, investing in professional guidance can provide an effective solution to this problem and help people make more informed and well-founded decisions. Guidance is not just a practical tool but also a way to ensure a more fulfilling and meaningful future.

  • Super, D. E. (1990). A Life-Span, Life-Space Approach to Career Development. Jossey-Bass.
  • Holland, J. L. (1997). Making Vocational Choices: A Theory of Vocational Personalities and Work Environments. Psychological Assessment Resources.
  • Brown, S. D., & Lent, R. W. (Eds.). (2012). Career Development and Counseling: Putting Theory and Research to Work. Wiley.
  • CBS Report (2023): Statistics on Employment and Labor Market in Israel.

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