Career and study guidance
How to choose a profession?
How do I know what I should study?
This article explains how to conduct career guidance / academic counseling online
Complete career guidance combines exploring what attracts and interests you, as well as which profession suits you in terms of skills and personality.
Career counseling usually begins with a career tendencies/preferences questionnaire, such as the Holland or RAMAK questionnaire.
The purpose of a career tendencies questionnaire is to give you a partial and initial answer to the question 'what should I study?', 'which profession suits me?', meaning to discover through it what attracts and interests you.
Career counseling in choosing a profession requires much more than that, a career tendencies questionnaire is a necessary but not sufficient condition, the next step is to determine what your skills and personality are and whether they are indeed suitable for the profession. This combination between your preferences on one hand, and intellectual skills, abilities, and personality profile on the other, is typically done with the help of a career counselor in face-to-face meetings or even on Zoom.
LogiPass's online career counseling has its own unique advantages. LogiPass is the only company that offers such a service in Israel, many counselors see it as a professional and valid decision support tool that should be integrated into the counseling process.
The service relies on a massive and up-to-date database that lives and updates daily in the selection processes of the work world.
What exactly is the difference between academic guidance and career guidance?
Academic guidance can be viewed as a means, we want to acquire the necessary education to be accepted for a job in a profession we love, and therefore - Career guidance is the essence or goal we want to reach, because it's not enough to succeed in studies, we want to implement the training we undergo in the work world.LogiPass is a leading company in selection, assessment, and matching candidates for jobs, many clients and career counselors use it daily. And it can help you find which profession suits you according to real and up-to-date standards, LogiPass does this through a unique and innovative computerized system that allows examinees to go through all stages of career counseling online. At the end of the process, LogiPass provides detailed and in-depth recommendations including a summary recommendation of your compatibility percentages for each of the professions you chose through the tendencies questionnaire and beyond, depending on the package selected.
Another equally important thing - professional guidance mainly focuses on your cognitive skills, since tens of thousands of examinees have already acquired the desired education for the profession in which they were tested, it can be said with a high level of certainty that if the recommendation percentages that LogiPass will give you in a certain profession are above average, that profession will suit you both from an academic perspective and the training involved, as well as from a professional, personality, and functional perspective in the work world.
How are we different, what makes us unique?
LogiPass is the only one that also examines the compatibility of counselee skills and personality to the professions they love, it does this through a computerized
and professional system as is truly customary in the work world, and that's a big difference...
This is our expertise, LogiPass is a
professional and leading selection system in the work world,
it includes professional skills and personality tests with high validity. Once we connected our special abilities in the field of selection to the
career tendencies questionnaire, we were able to give counselees a sophisticated and unique tool that allows them to go through a complete process of career guidance in the real world, at a
low price and with immediate results.

To discover which profession suits you, you will need to go through 2 stages:
1. Career tendencies/preferences questionnaire and selection of preferred professions for examination
A simple and direct questionnaire, which through a long and comprehensive list of statements, will help you identify what is closest to your heart, what attracts you, and what you would like your preferred profession to include.
Examples of such statements:
• I tend to make friends easily with new people.
• I tend to act carefully and not make mistakes.
• I tend to take a dominant position in my workplace.
And so on...
At the end of the tendencies questionnaire, we will present you with the 15 professions that are preferred by you as follows (for example):
But does that mean that it's suitable for you to study and work in these professions also in terms of skills and personality?
Unfortunately not, we need to continue and clarify this through tests and questionnaires that will check exactly that, your level of compatibility with each of the chosen professions, with your personality, and also with your various skills.
For more information on this topic, you can read the article: "On the Connection Between Academic Guidance and Cognitive Skills"Interim Results
At the end of the first stage, LogiPass will present the results of your career tendencies questionnaire including the option to save your results and return to this page at a later date.
On the interim page, you can see the 15 professions that received the highest scores based on your choices from among all professions.
Additionally, you can get more information about each of your preferred professions and learn a bit more about them.
And the same goes for prominent fields, these are the fields you are attracted to, and clicking on them will show what each such field represents.
In the next stage, we will discover together which profession suits you from among these 15 professions in all aspects, preferences, skills, and personality!
Who's first, who's second, and so on.

2. Skills and personality tests relevant to the chosen professions
Professional guidance must also take into account your skills
and personality profile in relation to different professions, at this stage we already know what are the 15 professions that interest you the most and LogiPass will know
how to extract tests and questionnaires that are relevant to you. But in-depth and serious academic counseling must also include clarification of skills and
personality profile as will be explained below.
At the request of many, we have developed a system that allows you to give yourself estimated scores at the beginning and be tested later, for example, giving yourself an "average" in English.
Only the combination of all these components together, meaning tendencies/preferences, skills, and personality, can predict which profession suits you in the real world, according to the difficulties and needs of the specific professions chosen against the personal data of the counselee.
Now you can discover what is best and right for you in all aspects 😊
So in summary, to know which profession truly suits you from all perspectives, today you can go through an online process, at a low cost compared to a traditional career counselor, the reports you receive present you with a lot of vital information, such as what your strengths are, what are your weaknesses, and especially the compatibility between your skills and those required in each of the professions. In addition, the reports contain a lot of information about the different professions, and everything is fast, easy, and accessible by moving between the various tabs at the top of the report.
We would be happy to hear your opinion!
LogiPass has dozens of additional interesting articles dealing with
issues of professional tests and career guidance.
The Logipass's recommendations are the weighting of your skills, personality, and preferences scores compared to those required in the profession's profile, based on thousands of examinees and artificial intelligence based research. To get Logipass's recommendations you must take general skills tests, you must take general skills tests (no preparation or prior knowledge required) and a personality questionnaire.
This way, you can discover that you are highly suited for a profession you may not have even known existed!
There will always be different and diverse professions besides the ones you selected.
If our recommendations rank lower than the professions chosen according to your interest or free choice, it means that you did an excellent job in the interests questionnaire or the free choice 😊.
In any case, we advise regarding our recommendations as professions where your chances of success are high.