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A 50% reduction in the recruitment time of new employees

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The coronavirus, or its official name, COVID-19, affects all areas of our lives..., from hugging the people we love, celebrating weddings with them, cultural events and of course conduct in the workplace. Whether it's employees required to be in isolation, or employees required to be at home with their children. A need arises for a renewed assessment of the way we work, in which we have operated until now. 

There are processes of change in the form of work today. Businesses that are closing, the rising unemployment rate, the need to maintain distance and a limited number of people in a room. Companies that have not canceled employee recruitment are slowing down the recruitment and acceptance processes. Some of them are moving to manage interviews through video applications such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams or by phone. For example, in Logipass, organizations can choose for candidates to be photographed during the test, and there are even those who do not see their new employees being placed in a new position. 

Ofir Goren, CEO of EATON, which employs about 35,000 employees in Israel, says in an interview with Calcalist - "Currently, in light of the atmosphere, we are stopping new recruitments until things become clear." In other high-tech companies, the recruitment process has not been canceled, although it has slowed down, due to re-evaluation and interviewers who are in isolation. 

The Perceptual Change

If you think about the situation in depth, even the skills required from the employee are changing and taking a technological turn. Employees today need to know how to use a variety of applications and software, as well as have the ability of self-discipline to reach goals, even when they are outside the office and the organization's framework. These changes create a new problem for employers - how will they be able to get to know people in depth, and trust them to perform their job in the best way possible, all without seeing them? 

It seems that organizations will have to change the way they accept people to work. Instead of proximity to the workplace, they will have to examine the level of internal motivation and integrity measures. At Bezeq Online, a remote recruitment and onboarding process has begun. Moshik Bar-On, VP of the Health and Finance Division in the company, says, "We have call centers where the recruitment process is done remotely without any frontal involvement." In the process, the candidate is required to have a telephone interview and in addition is asked to send short videos in which he talks about himself and addresses issues of employment background, salary expectations and more. 

Saving Time and Resources

The good news is that accepting employees in a more digital way is more economical in time and resources. Roni Blankleder, CEO of American Laser, says that the company decided to move to remote recruitment and onboarding for all recruitments in the branches. "We found that the time it takes us to recruit a candidate for a certain position has been shortened by more than 50%." The company's new model includes a job interview conducted in a video call, and continues through a reliability test and an onboarding process that takes place in the branch closest to the interviewee's place of residence, in order to facilitate arrival and prevent the use of public transportation, due to health concerns. 

Still, we do not know how long the coronavirus will last, and the restrictions on transportation and conduct in the public space. For this reason and others, the need arises to transfer the integrity tests and even the identification of personality traits to be performed digitally from home. 

Conducting from home, including personality and integrity tests, tailored to the company's specific required position, will allow another step to ease both the candidate and the interviewer, who receives a more comprehensive and diverse picture of the candidate he is about to talk to on the phone or video. The candidate, for his part, will not have to go out and worry that he may be in a room where there was a confirmed patient, or unnecessarily exposed when arriving at the branch where the test will take place. 

The Benefits of Remote Recruitment

The advantages of remote recruitment are consideration of times, and transferring the acceptance process to work in a familiar and comfortable place.  The candidate manages to convey more of who he is. Of course there are also disadvantages. The environment is not always quiet enough to pass an interview, and in a digital way it is not always possible to "feel" the candidate to the end. However, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and in the new reality in which we find ourselves, there is supreme importance to adaptation and moving forward. 

The company "Logipass - Online Psychotechnical Diagnosis" is currently leading the general trend of testing from home and mobile. The system includes a reliability test, personality and skill tests according to the position, it gives the test requester a comprehensive, professional and validated picture of the candidate's skills and personality. There is no doubt that in the changing reality before our eyes, Logipass is the right thing at the right time.  

Logipass - System Advantages.

By Daniel Danino.


Manela, M. (22.06.20) "Remote job interviews shortened recruitment time by more than 50%. We will continue to do so even in routine."

Manela, M. (08.03.20) From video interviews, through cancellation of meetings to freezing recruitment - work in Israel under the shadow of the coronavirus.

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