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Career test - sample reports

Psycho-technical test - below is a representative set of reports produced by the system, including a summary recommendation, the candidate's skills, personality profile, and reliability rate.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Abandoned advanced Not required Proper, Normative Expectation gap Clarification required Discrepancy
advanced normal Questionable
General average
A general mathematical average of all tests tested, it is important to understand that there are tests of different importance and therefore the average does not necessarily reflect the level of the examiner in the position.
The level of accuracy acquired, in relation to the number of questions answered, and in relation to the general population. The higher the level of accuracy, the more precisely the testee works at tasks that require complex thinking.
Performance speed
The number of questions answered, within a limited time, compared to the general population. The higher the performance speed, the more quickly testee works at tasks demanding complex thinking.
Applicant's general mental ability; an indication of his / her ability to learn; take in information, process it and use it; learn new skills and cope with intellectual challenges.
Trait-related tests
Verbal Analogies 6 Number Sequences 5 Diagrammatic Reasoning 6
The ability to draw tangible conclusions from abstract ideas.
Trait-related tests
Verbal Analogies 6 Diagrammatic Reasoning 6
Tests knowledge of the English language on two levels: vocabulary, from basic words to an advanced level; and general understanding of meaning.
Trait-related tests
English Knowledge and Comprehension 4
The ability to deal with different types of visual stimuli, to accurately perceive visual shapes and follow their positions, which changes in space. This ability is relevant, for example, to positions that require creating and understanding charts, drawings, maps, plans, etc. The understanding of how these visual representations are reflected in reality.
Trait-related tests
Diagrammatic Reasoning 6
General computational ability, accuracy and speed in arithmetic, numerical approximation and mathematical reasoning and logic.
Trait-related tests
Number Sequences 5 Memory Test - Numbers 7
The ability to understand and analyze quantitative data, presented in tables or graphs, and draw conclusions from it.
Trait-related tests
Numerical Reasoning 8
The ability to quickly and efficiently perform simple, repetitive and monotonous tasks, ones that demand attention, concentration, awareness to details and precision.
Trait-related tests
Sequence Matching 5
The ability to remember data one encounters on a daily basis, and integrate it into former memories, in order to use it at a later time to accomplish goals and complete tasks. The memorized material is meaningful and context dependant.
Trait-related tests
Memory Test - Chores 5 Memory Test - Numbers 7
The ability to deal with verbal content problems successfully; the ability to analyze and understand complex verbal information.
Trait-related tests
Verbal Analogies 6 Verbal Reasoning 8 Memory Test - Chores 5
The extent of knowledge learned throughout life in various fields, reflecting the potential for future learning.
Trait-related tests
Memory Test - Chores 5 English Knowledge and Comprehension 4 Memory Test - Numbers 7
The ability to analyze data of different types and draw practical conclusions from it.
Trait-related tests
Verbal Analogies 6 Verbal Reasoning 8 Number Sequences 5 Diagrammatic Reasoning 6 Numerical Reasoning 8
output: 80.3% Time Utilization: 92.3%
Verbal Reasoning
started : 09/06/20 09:22 | ended : 09/06/20 09:35
norm: 13-15 years (Secondary / academic education)
19 correct answers from 25
19 correct answers from what was done 20
Work pace
20 answers from 25
The test for Understanding Verbal Instructions is meant to estimate one's ability to understand written verbal instructions, and implement them. The test consists of complex instructions, i.e. the instructions include several operative stages, which might or might not be linked to each other (example: order, dependency, condition).
use: 100% out of 12 minutes
started : 09/06/20 09:22 | ended : 09/06/20 09:35
The test for Understanding Verbal Instructions is meant to estimate one's ability to understand written verbal instructions, and implement them. The test consists of complex instructions, i.e. the instructions include several operative stages, which might or might not be linked to each other (example: order, dependency, condition).
Number Sequences
started : 09/06/20 09:37 | ended : 09/06/20 09:46
norm: 13-15 years (Secondary / academic education)
11 correct answers from 25
11 correct answers from what was done 14
Work pace
14 answers from 25
Number Series Test examines the ability for inductive and deductive reasoning. Reasoning has been considered a critical component of human intelligent for decades. To separate the ability to perform complex arithmetic calculations from numerical reasoning, one needs to use only the 4 basic arithmetic operations, thus, an item's level depends on the difficulty of identifying the underlining rule.
use: 100% out of 9 minutes
started : 09/06/20 09:37 | ended : 09/06/20 09:46
Number Series Test examines the ability for inductive and deductive reasoning. Reasoning has been considered a critical component of human intelligent for decades. To separate the ability to perform complex arithmetic calculations from numerical reasoning, one needs to use only the 4 basic arithmetic operations, thus, an item's level depends on the difficulty of identifying the underlining rule.
Diagrammatic Reasoning
started : 09/06/20 09:47 | ended : 09/06/20 09:57
norm: 13-15 years (Secondary / academic education)
17 correct answers from 25
17 correct answers from what was done 24
Work pace
24 answers from 25
The Shape Series is a formative test. The object of the test is to evaluate cognitive potential (intelligence) in culture free manner. General intelligence (factor g) is related to the ability to abstract and deduct about relations and connections. In accordance, this test requires deduction of rules and relations among shapes, using basic geometric shapes (most are universal shapes).
use: 78% out of 13 minutes
started : 09/06/20 09:47 | ended : 09/06/20 09:57
The Shape Series is a formative test. The object of the test is to evaluate cognitive potential (intelligence) in culture free manner. General intelligence (factor g) is related to the ability to abstract and deduct about relations and connections. In accordance, this test requires deduction of rules and relations among shapes, using basic geometric shapes (most are universal shapes).
Memory Test - Numbers
started : 09/06/20 09:58 | ended : 09/06/20 10:08
norm: 13-15 years (Secondary / academic education)
Work pace
The "Memory - Numbers" test examines the ability to remember a number of digits for a short time. This skill of short-term memory, which is also called "working memory", is very important in all areas of life as it forms the basis for performing actions in general, and several simultaneous actions in particular.
use: 100% out of 10 minutes
started : 09/06/20 09:58 | ended : 09/06/20 10:08
The "Memory - Numbers" test examines the ability to remember a number of digits for a short time. This skill of short-term memory, which is also called "working memory", is very important in all areas of life as it forms the basis for performing actions in general, and several simultaneous actions in particular.
Verbal Analogies
started : 09/06/20 10:09 | ended : 09/06/20 10:16
norm: 13-15 years (Secondary / academic education)
17 correct answers from 25
17 correct answers from what was done 22
Work pace
22 answers from 25
Verbal Analogies are a significant part of human intelligence, inductive reasoning and common sense, as well as a component of learning ability, general understanding and the ability to generate new ideas.
use: 100% out of 6 minutes
started : 09/06/20 10:09 | ended : 09/06/20 10:16
Verbal Analogies are a significant part of human intelligence, inductive reasoning and common sense, as well as a component of learning ability, general understanding and the ability to generate new ideas.
Memory Test - Chores
started : 09/06/20 10:16 | ended : 09/06/20 10:24
norm: 13-15 years (Secondary / academic education)
The "Memory - Chores" test examines the ability to remember a number of daily chores. Long-term memory is considered one of the components of human intelligence, because this skill is one of the tools we have in order to achieve goals.
use: 59% out of 4 minutes
started : 09/06/20 10:16 | ended : 09/06/20 10:24
The "Memory - Chores" test examines the ability to remember a number of daily chores. Long-term memory is considered one of the components of human intelligence, because this skill is one of the tools we have in order to achieve goals.
Sequence Matching
started : 09/06/20 10:18 | ended : 09/06/20 10:22
norm: 13-15 years (Secondary / academic education)
36 correct answers from 50
Work pace
37 answers from 50
The "Sequence Matching" test tests a person's ability to work accurately and quickly in detecting differences between simple stimuli. This type of skill is important in various types of administrative and clerical work, however, accurate work is also required in tasks such as programming, actuary, information systems management, and more.
use: 100% out of 4 minutes
started : 09/06/20 10:18 | ended : 09/06/20 10:22
The "Sequence Matching" test tests a person's ability to work accurately and quickly in detecting differences between simple stimuli. This type of skill is important in various types of administrative and clerical work, however, accurate work is also required in tasks such as programming, actuary, information systems management, and more.
Numerical Reasoning
started : 09/06/20 10:27 | ended : 09/06/20 10:45
norm: 13-15 years (Secondary / academic education)
20 correct answers from 24
20 correct answers from what was done 20
Work pace
20 answers from 24
The test examine the ability to read data presented graphically or tabularly and draw conclusions from it.
use: 100% out of 18 minutes
started : 09/06/20 10:27 | ended : 09/06/20 10:45
The test examine the ability to read data presented graphically or tabularly and draw conclusions from it.
English Knowledge and Comprehension
started : 09/06/20 10:46 | ended : 09/06/20 11:04
norm: 13-15 years (Secondary / academic education)
12 correct answers from 19
12 correct answers from what was done 18
Work pace
18 answers from 19
English Understanding
use: 94% out of 16 minutes
started : 09/06/20 10:46 | ended : 09/06/20 11:04
English Understanding
very high
Accepting authority
The ability to accept the authority of superiors, which is reflected in practicality, a preference for routine, and the tendency to 'go with the flow'.
Order and organization
A person's tendency to maintain order and organization when performing tasks.
average high
Self responsibility
The extent to which the individual can be trusted to meet the tasks and issues under his responsibility, which is reflected in self-motivation, practicality and honest reporting regarding performance.
Employment stability
The need for continuity and stability in the workplace, which is reflected in a preference for routine, pragmatism and caution.
Integration in the organization
The tendency to internalize existing norms in the organization and adopt the usual work procedures.
Service orientation
The service orientation of the individual including: caring, desire to help others, values, friendliness and openness.
The ability to self-motivate to complete tasks despite distractions or boredom, while demonstrating commitment to the goal.
Function under stress
The ability to function efficiently, under time pressure and overload conditions, based on the ability to bear uncertainty and a tendency to be active.
average low
Initiative at work
The tendency to act to improve the organization, which is reflected in competitiveness, independence, thrill-seeking and curiosity.
The ability to act flexibly and adapt yourself to changing environments, which is reflected in open-mindedness, energy and a preference for innovation.
Motivational skills
The ability to lead others, reflected in leadership, social confidence and independent conduct.
Social involvement in the organization
The tendency to feel comfortable in social situations, while wanting to belong to a group and build positive and caring relationships.
A person's ability to deal on his own with a variety of tasks and situations, which is reflected in a sense of self-efficacy, activity in stressful situations and calmness.
Sales tendency
The personal tendency to engage in sales (separated from sales skills, which must be examined separately), which is reflected in friendliness, competitiveness and emotional intelligence.
very low
Working in cooperation
The ability to work well with others, which is reflected in high emotional intelligence and sociability, alongside caring and humility.

Personality Type: Committed

The candidate's level of conformity to the “type” The verbal report provides a detailed description of the personality type that most closely matches the characteristics of the candidate, based on their answers in the personality questionnaire, among 16 possible types that are theoretically and research-based. The strength of the type match represents the degree of similarity between the candidate and the presented type, and it should be considered when delving into the type report. It's important to note that the strength of the match (high/medium/low) pertains only to the alignment between the candidate's traits and the closest personality type, and does not take into account the test profile and job requirements.
High correspondence , The personality type found depicts the candidate with a high level of accuracy.
Average correspondence, The personality type found depicts the candidate with an average level of accuracy. In case of a mismatch, please rely on the specific traits.
Low correspondence , The personality type found depicts the candidate with a low level of accuracy. In case of a mismatch, please rely on the specific traits.

The Committed belongs to theAdministrators group

The Administrators are cooperative and practical, valuing order, security and stability. They are great at logistics and administration, get well with hierarchies and rules, and keep their word. However, they may be inflexible and resistant to change.

Brief The Committed can be trusted to fulfill his commitments meticulously, even if it is in the last minute. He is a people pleaser and people lover, and may be taken advantage of, when others take credit for his work. If so, he may lose some enthusiasm or confidence. Although he is self-effacing, he remembers little details about others that help him win their heart and maintain close and supportive relationships.
Strength Supportive – helping, sharing knowledge, experience, time and energy, showing empathy and not judgement. Patient – working slowly toward the goal and making adjustment as time passes. Loyal – forms an emotional attachment to ideas and organizations. Practical Skills – has the practical sense to do something with his altruism, even for routine and mundane tasks.
Weakness Shy – concerned with others feeling before his own, letting them take credit and not demanding his recognition. Repress Feelings – causing himself stress and frustration. Reluctant to Change – values traditions and may not change his course quickly, sometimes until real crisis is near.
Work style The goal of helping others is a beacon to him, giving them emotional support or productivity advice. His goal will be to find a win-win solution, and he will slowly and carefully get to it.
Occupation field Lines of work with a sense of history behind them, such as medicine and academics, and also technical support and charitable social work, such as counselors.
Accepting authority Relatively obedient, working steadily and patiently to complete his tasks to the satisfaction of his manager. However, his contributions may be overlooked by his manager because he will not demand praise or feedback. When facing changes (new manager, new methods), he may stress and need reassuring.
Teamwork Needs a peaceful team, with little interpersonal conflicts, working together and helping each other. He will take extra workload to minimize friction between others, and others may take advantage of it, so he needs the help of others to protect him from that.
Management style Does not enjoy managing others, but can do this well. Relying on his warmth and caring, he can formulate strong interpersonal relations and work with subordinates toward their goal. His ability to implement plans with precision helps him lead teams, but his sensitivity is his Achilles heel.

Commitment and diligence

People who are conscientious, trustworthy, with a high sense of commitment and morality, and a desire to demonstrate thoroughness, diligence and effort. Organized and ambitious people manage to achieve everything in a straight, self-disciplined way. Sometimes addicted to work.
average high
People who feel ready to deal with life perceive themselves as capable of being effective
very low
People are organized, clean and organized
average high
People who adhere to their ethical principles and fulfill conscientious obligations
People with high aspirations who are willing to work hard to reach their goals have a direction and invest in their work
average high
People who have the ability to motivate themselves to finish a job, are able to perform a task to the end despite boredom or other distractions
average high
People are careful and considerate, capable of thinking beforehand
average high

Consideration and pleasantness

Generous, altruistic, willing to help others, warm, highly trustworthy. Characterized by sincerity, sympathy and selflessness. They love people and people love them.
average high
People who tend to believe that the other is honest and well-intentioned
average high
People are honest in their feelings
average high
People who are actively concerned about the safety of others, generous, considerate and want to help others
very high
People who forgive, forget, and delay aggression
average high
Humble and humble people who believe that everyone is equal
very low
People who are sympathetic and caring for others are motivated by the needs of the other and emphasize the human side of social policy

Social activism

Extrovert, loving people and energetic, active and optimistic. Love attention and tend to work with people. Enthusiastic, talkative and sales-oriented, socially daring and have many acquaintances and friends.
People who are friendly and affectionate, love people and approach people easily
average low
People who prefer to be around others enjoy their company and the more people there are the happier they are
People who speak without hesitation and often lead the group
People with fast pace and movement, energetic and need to be busy
People looking for stimulation and excitement like bright colors and noisy environments
average high
People who tend to experience positive emotions, such as happiness, joy, love and excitement. Laughing a lot, happy and optimistic


People who cope well with stressful situations and are self-confident. Emotionally stable and calm, and have an adaptive coping style.
People who are calm and relaxed, who are not concerned about what might go wrong
average low
People who take things easily and take them a long time to feel anger
average low
People who do not tend to experience depression, guilt, sadness, helplessness and loneliness (not necessarily cheerful people)
People feel comfortable in social situations
very low
People who easily reject temptations and are highly tolerant of frustration
People who cope well with stress, and maintain an independent and effective work style

Openness and curiosity

People who actively seek out experiences. People with a complex mental life, developed imagination and a tendency to creativity, interest in a variety of fields and their own emotional life, willingness to experiment in new fields.
People with vivid imagination and active fantasy life, as a way of creating a rich inner world (and not as a flight from reality)
very low
People who appreciate art and beauty
average high
People with deep and varied emotions, who are aware of feelings and feelings and appreciation of emotion as an important part of life
average high
People who prefer the new to the familiar, are willing to experience a variety of activities, go to new places and eat new food
People with intellectual curiosity, willingness to experiment with unconventional ideas, enjoy philosophical puzzles and arguments
People with a high degree of willingness to reexamine political, social, and religious values
very high

Personality type: Task-oriented and creative

The candidate's level of conformity to the “type” The verbal report provides a detailed description of the personality type that most closely matches the characteristics of the candidate, based on their answers in the personality questionnaire, among 30 possible types that are theoretically and research-based. The strength of the type match represents the degree of similarity between the candidate and the presented type, and it should be considered when delving into the type report. It's important to note that the strength of the match (high/medium/low) pertains only to the alignment between the candidate's traits and the closest personality type, and does not take into account the test profile and job requirements.
High correspondence , The personality type found depicts the candidate with a high level of accuracy.
Average correspondence, The personality type found depicts the candidate with an average level of accuracy. In case of a mismatch, please rely on the specific traits.
Low correspondence , The personality type found depicts the candidate with a low level of accuracy. In case of a mismatch, please rely on the specific traits.
Driven by a need to maintain his internal balance and creative conduct towards achieving goals by eliminating work-related uncertainties.
Highly productive and actively engages in solving either present or future problems, while expressing outside-of-the-box thinking, creativity and innovation.
Will be the most assertive person in problem solving processes in the team and propose new ideas for dealing with current or future issues. Will actively try to promote his ideas because he is confident they are best suited for dealing with the team's tasks, even when others may not acknowledge it. Often such confidence will be based on past experiences, or some research he carried out, and sometimes his personal judgment. His display of dominance might make others feel anxious about their place within the organization.
Actively engages in problem-solving, creative and collected thinking when dealing with obstacles, focusing on the tasks at hand and able to anticipate unforeseen future problems.
Finds traditional work environments and situations of uncertainty difficult, others may perceive him as too dominant and feel that he might be threatening their positions at the workplace. Occasionally prepares for improbable situations that are unlikely to occur and wastes his, and others', time and energy.
Actively handles difficulties, inspects and considers which of the approaches is the most effective way of dealing with the problem, however, such approach can waste valuable time by devising plans that rarely come to fruition.
Requires a supervisor who facilitates clarity and consistency around the working environment and open to new suggestions about optimizing general work methods. Will have a harder time with superiors who demand to use awkward and ineffective methods that give off a sense of uncertainty. As a supervisor, expects his staff to execute tasks exactly as provided, as well as being able to independently handle tasks they've been entrusted with.
Improper use of organization resources
Time resources
Intentional feet dragging when performing tasks
The likelihood of deliberate slow conduct to impair the performance of the organization
Drug or alcohol abuse
The possibility of using substances that affect judgment and motor skills during work hours.
Fictitious Timesheet report
The possibility of unreliable time reports and reporting of work hours in which no work was actually done.
Ineffective work
The possibility of engaging in non-work related activities during work hours, such as social networks, Personal errands, etc.
Physical resources
Damaging organizational property
The possibility of causing intentional damage to the organization's property.
Deviation from the organization's funds use guidelines
The possibility that the organization's funds will be used in a non-economical manner or not for to their original purpose
Use of employer's funds for other purposes
The possibility that organizational money (or equivalent) will be used for personal or other needs.
Use of the employer's property for other purposes
The possibility that the employer's property will be used for personal or other needs.
Personal use of the organization's resources.
The possibility of personal use of the organization's resources.
Knowledge resources and authority
Employees incitement
The possibility that organizational status or intra-organizational relations will be used to incite the workers against the organization itself
Using organizational knowledge for external purposes
The possibility that knowledge accumulated by the organization will be used to realize external goals.
Utilizing status to promote personal needs
The possibility that the organizational status will be used to promote personal needs outside or within the organization
Conducting tasks
Workplace framework
Habitual tardiness
The possibility of Habitual tardiness at work.
Irresponsible notifications regarding time frames.
The possibility that there will not be a notice and appropriate preparation for tardiness and absences.
Unjustified absences
The possibility of absences without clear justification
Work style
Feet dragging at performing tasks
The possibility of reservation from performing tasks in order to avoid failure or to seek help.
Performing tasks carelessly
The possibility that one would demonstrate clear carelessness for organizational task.
Poor work quality
The possibility that tasks would be performed in an unprofessional manner, superficially and to the point of negligence.
Violation of procedures
Breach of promises and contracts
The possibility that there will be a breach of contracts and promises made by the employee
Shirking responsibility
The possibility that there will be a renunciation of responsibility, an attempt to pass it on to others, or disregard for responsibility for the tasks
Violation of organizational procedures
The likelihood for behavior that does not conform to the organization's formal and customary procedures
Violation of instructions
It is possible that there will be difficulties in receiving instructions from the manager, and under the guidelines, there will be independent work without dialogue
Task reporting
It is possible that there will be false reporting about tasks that were (not) performed
Interpersonal Relationships
Inappropriate interpersonal behavior
Being a "bad" team member
The possibility that there will be problematic relationships within the work team, and behavior that undermines the team's achievements
Physical aggression
The possibility of physical aggression within the work
Physical aggression
The possibility of physical aggression within the work
Physical aggression
The possibility of physical aggression within the work
Interpersonal spite
The possibility that they will be relatively problematic at the interpersonal level, which will affect the performance of employees as individuals
Sexual harassment
There may be an easing of attitudes towards sexual harassment in the workplace
Sexual harassment
There may be an easing of attitudes towards sexual harassment in the workplace
Sexual harassment
There may be an easing of attitudes towards sexual harassment in the workplace
Verbal abuse
The possibility of verbal aggression in the work
Verbal abuse
The possibility of verbal aggression in the work
Verbal abuse
The possibility of verbal aggression in the work
Sexual harassment
The image of the organization
Reference to the organization's image
Deviation from normative relations
The extent to which interpersonal relations may be problematic due to the crossing of the official relations of the organization, within the organization or between the organization and its clients
Public behaviors that are contrary to the values of the organization
The possibility that there will be public expressions, social networks, the media or the general public, which contradict the values of the organization
Verbal abuse of the organization
The possibility that there will be public expressions, social networks, the media or the public at large, which undermine the organization and create a negative image

Candidate Comparison

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Score comparison
Insufficient sample size
Below the graph is the candidate's score and the graph shows the distribution of the other candidates in relation to him.
Please note - small samples (under 50) must be treated with a limited guarantee.
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