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Online testing

Pros and cons of testing candidates at home or on a smartphone.

Reason for testing candidates online
Saving time on unnecessary interviews (only those who pass the necessary threshold will be invited to an interview at the organization), most organizations summon 1/3 or less following the test.
Both parties save themselves the embarrassment and discomfort of an interview that should not have taken place in the first place.
Speeding up the process and quickly promoting outstanding candidates looking for work elsewhere.
Logistical Savings involved in coordinating meetings, space, and computer resources.
Increasing the chances that working or remote candidates will be included in the screening process (convenience of remote testing).
The use of technology and an innovative screening process that appreciates the candidates' time serves the organization's needs and its attractiveness in the candidates' eyes.
Questions and concerns we were asked at the beginning
LogiPass charges its clients only for exams that were actually taken. The client will not be charged if the candidate does not take the exam. From the accumulated experience, over 98% are happy to take an Online test and happily cooperate with the process. LogiPass is the one that provides the examinees with customer service if they have a question related to the manner of the examinations.
The price of the LogiPass exam is about one work hour! Did you issue an online test to an employee? A repeat exam within the organization is free! Summoning only the most suitable candidates will result in considerable savings, more successful integration, and efficiency. The organization will receive significantly more applicants! The mobile exam entices the younger generation and substantially increases their response rate.
New! - The system photographs the examinees during the test. Logipass's random system. The questions will always differ, so verifying the test taken from home or at your organization is possible and free. Most examinees follow the instructions. Copying in the LogiPass system is like handing over another person's ID card. The fact that the examinee is remote when receiving the results (immediately) will allow you to control and make balanced and comfortable decisions.
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